Sunday, September 26, 2010

CETE- Suggestion Dec-2010

CETE- Suggestion Dec-2010


600 words

  1. What are the aims of elementary education in the light of ‘four pillars of education’ as identified in the “Delor’s commission’s report.


What is aims of education in Democratic Society? Explain the brief how democratization of education can be achieved?

  1. What are the challenges for an elementary teacher in today’s society? Suggest how these challenges can be overcome?


Discuss the role and important of the school in the social and cultural contexts?

3. “The Social Context of school in India has transformed since I independence (1947)’’ Discuss the Statement with convincing Examples.


Discuss the role of school’s in socializing children. Give relevant example in support of your examples.

4. Describe the components of Indian social order.


Discuss with illustration your social role as an elementary school Teacher.

5. Discuss the model of classroom interactions. Describe its implications for elementary school.


Why should a teacher trainee, like you, study the aspirations of Indian society? Discuss.

6. How was Vedic period education different from elementary education in post independence period? Discuss with example.


Compare the contribution of Gandhi and Tagore to elementary school education in India.

7. Answer the following four questions with 150 words

a) Teaching as a profession

b) The Montessori Method

c) Rousseau’s theory of education

d) Explain in brief about the concept of “progressive education”

e) Discuss in brief the contribution of Rabindranath Tagore to elementary education

f) Differentiate between the two schools of thought in sociology regarding the classroom situation.

g) Write a note on socio-cultural environment of the elementary school.

i) W hat do you mean by ‘Learning to be, as a pillar of education’?

j) How do we form an impression about our own students? Discuss.

k) Briefly discuss the relation between the Democracy and Education.

l) “Tagore brought integration between individual and social aim of education” Elaborate the statement.

m) Describe Froebel’s visions of elementary education.

n) Discuss the views of Mahatma Gandhi on curriculum of elementary school children.

O) According to A.K.C Ottaway (1962) Discuss the major roles of an elementary school teacher.

p) Discuss the social factors which influence the educational achievement of children.

q) “Lifelong learning has become more important these days”. Discuss the statement.

R) Describe the salient recommendations of Kothari Education Commission with regard to elementary education.

600 words

8. Prepare a report on various social factors that influence educational achievement and educability in your area.

9. Prepare elementary school curriculum for classes 4 and 5 based on the thoughts of Gandhi and Tagore. Mention how you use their ideas to teach in the class.

10. The relation between society and elementary school teacher has undergone many changes in the last few decades. In the light of present social, political, religious and economic aspirations of society what role you are expected to play. Write your experience as an elementary school teacher in a convincing manner.


600 words

  1. Differentiate between guidance and counseling .Discuss the role of an elementary teacher as a counselor.


Differentiate between growth and development. Discuss the principles development with suitable example.

  1. Discuss the role of an elementary teacher in promoting gender quality through classroom management and curriculum transaction.


Explain the problem faced by children belonging to minorities. Discuss how an

Elementary school teacher can the help in the educational development of these children.

3. Discuss the educational situation of minorities in the country.


Discuss the role of teachers in adopting ways to provide gender bias free environment while teaching languages and mathematics in the elementary stage.

4. Discuss the principles of development.


Discuss the role of teachers in guiding elementary school children.

5. Discuss the gender role identity and self concept in different cultures in the country.


Discuss the educational situation of scheduled tribes in the north eastern region.

6. Discuss the formal operational period of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.


Discuss the Eskon’s theory of socio-emotional development.

7. Answer the following four questions with 150 words

A) How does guidance programme help elementary school children?

b) Explain how a teacher at elementary school stage can poster cognitive Development in children.

c) How can you help children of SC/ST’s in their academic development?

d) Differentiate between self-concept and self- esteem. How are they influenced by gender roles?

e) Differentiate between sex and gender. How do gender differences depend upon nature of a society?

f) Socio-emotional development of children influences their academic achievement. Explain.

g) Explain the physical and psychological characteristics of elementary school children.

h) Explain the educational implications of the Piaget’ theory of cognitive development in teaching-learning at the elementary level.

i) Discuss the role of teachers in broadening social world of their students at the elementary level.

j) Describe the significance of national policy of education, 1986 in the context of status of women in the country.

k) Discuss the educational situation of SC’s ST’s in term of enrolment ratios at the elementary school stage in the country.

L) Explain the distribution of children with disabilities in the rural urban divide context.

m) Discuss the role of teachers in promoting all round development of children.

n) Explain in brief the various stages of human development.

o) Describe the benefits of guidance programme to the community.

p) Discuss the relationship between curriculum and the gender question.

q) Describe any two major drawbacks that is propogate gender bias in present text book.

600 words

8. Suppost you are asked by your headmaster to teach student of class VI which includes children with disabilities. Prepare a detail classroom strategy to teach those children in the inclusive education setting.

9. Describe in brief in various approaches used in identifying children with disabilities. Discuss any two approaches that you think are the most suitable in your school situation.

10. What are the common problems of children at the elementary stages? Discuss the typical problems faced by elementary school children in your area.



  1. Discuss the problem specific strategies for importing population education


Discuss the characteristics of ‘adolescence `.

  1. What is meant by ‘ozone layer depletion` ? Explain why this happens.


Discuss the problems that are faced in your state in Universalization of elementary education.

  1. Explain the stages of moral development, as given by Kohlberg.


Discus the sources of transmission of HIV/.How can the spread of HIV/AIDS be stopped?

4 What is meant by ‘water pollution’? Discuss the major causes of water pollution.


Explain the concept of ‘population education’. Discuss any two areas that are major thrusts of population education.

  1. Explain the term ‘Soil Pollution’.

Discuss the major causes of soil pollution.


Explain the terms ‘abiotic components’ and ‘biotic components’.

Discuss the different types of biotic components.

6 Answer the following question in about 600 words :

Explain the facets of morality.

Discuss the characteristics of a morally educated person.

7. Answer any four of the following question in about 150 words each:

(a) Discuss the importance of information and Communication Technologies in education.

(b) Should the term ‘sex education’ be retained or replaced? Give reasons.

© Explain the effects of noise pollution.

(d) Discuss the changing structure and role of the family.

(e) Explain the “Nitrogen Cycle’

(f) Mention measures you will take to enhance the use of library among students.

(g) Discuss the major land biomes.

(h) What is meant b noise pollution?

Explain the effects of noise pollution?

(i) Discuss tools useful for document selection for a library.

(j) With the help of a diagram, explain the ‘Nitrogen Cycle’.

(k) Explain how technology can support the delivery of educational resources.

(l) What is meant by a food chain? Explain with an example.

(m) Discuss any two challenges to the constitutional obligations regarding right to education.

(n) Discuss the ‘social learning theory’ approach to moral development.

(o) Describe the major impact of HIV/AIDS on the community.

(p) Explain the effects of acid rain.

(q) Discuss the reasons leading to the depletion of ozone layer.

(r) Explain the importance of co-curricular activities in population education.

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words:

As a teacher, develop a plan comprising activities to stop the spread of drug abuse in your school and in your community.

2. As a teacher, how can you promote moral learning inside the school. Discuss the way and means.

3. Explain the functions of a school library. Discuss the steps that you would take to improve the library of your school.


600 words

1. What is the important of teaching social studies at the upper primary stage? Discuss any one approach to organizing social studies curriculum.


What do you understand by teacher- directed instruction? Discuss lecture as a teacher-directed instructional method.

  1. How is individualized instruction different from group-directed instruction? Discuss any three group-directed instructional techniques used in teaching social studies.


Discuss the teaching-learning activities you would employ to teach the topic ‘united nations and the role of India in the united nations.

  1. Explain the concept of social studies and its significance in elementary school curriculum. Discuss various learning outcomes achieved through teaching of social studies.


Why does a teacher require various kinds of instructional method/techniques in teaching of social studies? Discuss with examples, group-directed instructional techniques which are useful in teaching social studies.

  1. What is lecture? Discuss planning and delivery of a lecture with an example from social studies curriculum at elementary level.


What are the major parts or components of a lesson plan? Discuss the significance of each of these components.

  1. Explain the concepts of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity mentioned in the preamble of the Indian constitution. Develop an instructional strategy to teach these concept mentioning instructional objectives, teaching, learning activities and evaluation items.


What are the major types of natural vegetation found in India and how are they conserved? Develop an instructional objectives, teaching-learning activities, and evaluation items.

7. Answer the following four questions with 150 words

a) Discuss questioning as a technique of teaching social studies.

b) Describe the different tools of evaluation in social studies.

C) How will you use project work technique in teaching social studies?

d) Describe the use of guest speakers as an effective strategy to teach social studies.

e) Instructional objectives for teaching constitution of India and bhakti movement

f) Explain the use of maps and globe to teach the topic ‘the earth -our planet.

g) Differentiate between integrated approach and inter-disciplinary approach to teaching of social studies.

h) Explain with examples how questioning skills can be used in teaching of social studies.

i) Differentiate between teacher-made tests and standardized tests.

j) Discuss any two media frequently used in teaching social studies.

k) Explain how social studies should be taught to students at the elementary school level.

l) What is computer assisted instruction (CAI)? Discuss briefly the instructional modes used in the computer with examples from social studies.

m) Discuss the different types of charts used in teaching of social studies with examples.

n) Differentiate between evaluation of cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes.

o) Explain how you can introduce the topic the United Nations and its preamble.

p) Differentiate between globe and map. Discuss methods and media to be used by you to explain the differences.

q) What is the major natural vegetation?

r) What methods and media would you use to teach the principal organs of the United Nations? Explain.

s) Differentiate between latitude and longitude. How can you teach the differences to your students?

t) Discuss briefly major types of climate of India. Construct four multiple-choice type questions on this topic.

600 words

1. Describe the different steps to be followed while preparing a question paper. Prepare a blue print and develop test items for cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes in social studies.

2. Suppose you had developed a question paper in social studies for class VII. Discuss various steps you had followed while developing the question paper, highlighting the following:

Content analysis

Writing instructional objectives in behavioral terms

Preparation of blue-print

Writing different question items for the question paper.

3. choose any topic from the social studies curriculum at the elementary level. Develop a lesson plan on the same topic.

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